Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bring on the bull

If there is one thing I am certain for my pooch preference, it is that it has to be some sort of bull dog. If the breed of the dog has the word 'bull' in it, then I want it…. hands down. Read more >>

Basically containing the word bull means the dog has a similar body type to that of a real bull. Short hair, apparent muscles, generally stalky build, and Mike Oncley will love you.

English Bulldog
The classic bull dog. Featured on tattoos and cartoons, looks a bit like those dudes that pull trucks and toss kegs for strongman contests. Just look at that face, I think with so much loose skin, that all the extra just has to go to the dog's head.

French Bulldog
Sort of like the smaller and cuter English Bulldog. Also a bit like a bat with four legs too with those ears. Mainly with British origins, this dog would be better suited with the name English Bulldog, but I guess they needed to be able to tell them apart. Adorable.

This dog always got a bad rap because the Frito Bandito and Michael Vick decided to breed them for fighting and the neighbor girl got her jugular bit. All dogs can be lovable if brought up the right way and this one is no exception. Plus this dog makes you look hard core. A blue pitbull is my dream breed.

So the small dog isn't your thing. Most bull breeds are small to medium size anyways. Not this guy. Some can end up being over 6ft when then stand on two legs. These bears of dogs are like owning a small horse that will fetch.

Bull Terrier
Spuds Mckenzie for Bud Light, Bullseye for Target. Both bull terriers who used their advanced marketing skills to sell to America. This breed looks a bit like a possum, but you know you think possoms are cute. If it weren't for that tail I bet we'd all stop running them over. Anyways….Spuds Mckenzie…..awesome.

I don't know what it is exactly that I like about all these dogs, but I think it has to do with the short hair.
The Little Rascals knew what was up.

Petey the American Pit Bull Terrier

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