Friday, July 16, 2010


Mind blowing

Those seem to be the only words I have been using after I saw this movie. I won't spoil anything since this movie is just too awesome to spoil, and most likely too complex to spoil as well.

What I don't get, is how you think of a movie like this. I think Chris Nolan played A LOT of video games and also had A LOT of vivid dreams and just sort of put them together. KIND OF A SPOILER(for those who have seen it).... Think about it. How crazy would it be if you grew very old and some dude you used to know, came over one day with a gun and a dreidel and was like "bing bang bong. SURPRISE! redo" and then you were young again flying on a 747. Crazy, right? Chris Nolan is on another level. Literally.... out of the 4 levels..... he's on another one of them(wink). 

Bottom line is to go see this movie. Then go see it again.... maybe 3 times, you'll need it.

Also, me and my friend noticed that after we saw the movie, we weren't that impressed by the movie poster they had at the Art. Seemed pretty hollywood-generic.
Thus the reason I picked the "maze" poster as my title pic. Very relevant to the film and a pretty awesome design. Also, while looking for photos of these posters, I found this little comparison.
Uh oh, is someone using the same graphic designer? I know another who would love to make your next poster Mr. Nolan. nudge nudge.

1 comment:

  1. Mind blowing is the word! Incredible film, I think Nolan may be the best director of our generation, I would compare him to Kubrick and Hitchcock.

    Strangely, the word Inceptional came to me as well, so I typed it into Google and landed on this page! Great minds think a like!
