Sunday, September 20, 2009

Buying milk to drink it

[man walks up to liqueur store counter with a 1 quart carton of milk. Man working behind counter is finishing his last conversation with customer walking out the door(bell rings). New customer places carton on the counter]
Clerk: hey there
Man: hi
Clerk: some weather today huh? [clerk scans the carton]
Man: uh, yea
Clerk: just the milk for you?
Man: yup
Clerk: Nothing else?
Man: no, just the milk
Clerk: oh alright.....cause we've got other things to go with milk......cereal....uhhh
Man: i just want the milk
Clerk: just the milk?
Man: just the milk
Clerk: is this your weeks supply? because we sell gallons, just above the ca.....
Man: all i want is the carton
Clerk: oh, well if you buy 2 gallons you actually save more than buying the carton alone
Man: all i want is this one carton, right now
Clerk: you baking something at home? somethings that needs milk?
Man: no
Clerk: no pancakes?....or...
Man: no
Clerk: .....a cake?
Man: no
Clerk: a baby?
Man: what?
Clerk: a baby?
Man: am i baking a baby? is that your question?
Clerk: no, are you feeding a baby? with the milk?
Man: no this milk is for me
Clerk: for you?
Man: yes for me
Clerk: just for you?
Man: yes
Clerk: not for you annndddd a kitten?
Man: no, no kittens
Clerk: the entire carton's for you?
Man: yes, i am going to drink this carton of milk
Clerk: with some coffee or something?
Man: no just the milk
Clerk: all at once?
Man: i am going to buy this milk, get in my car, and drink the entire carton of milk
Clerk: really?
Man: yes really. what's so hard to believe about that?
Clerk: i just don't understand, it's a lot of milk
Man: so?
Clerk: especially to drink all at once. You know we sell smaller amounts of milk
Man: yes i know
Clerk: you wouldn't prefer a half pint?
Man: no, a quart is fine
Clerk: a quart is a lot of milk
Man: i just so happen to like milk
Clerk: yea but i mean, a whole quart?
Man: can i just buy the milk please? how much do i owe you?
Clerk: what's your time frame for this whole carton?
Man: the label said $2.38
Clerk: i mean, is this an entire day thing? or....
Man: here's $3 [sets money on the counter]
Clerk: you plan on drinking the whole thing up right now?
Man: just keep it [walks out with carton of milk]
Clerk: ....because milk goes sour you know [shouting as man leaves] well have a nice day sir
Man: jesus
[bell rings]

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