Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why so lazy US?

The US took some time to occupy. Lots of exploring, lots of migrating and killing, all in the name of expansion. One thing that has always bugged me about the US is how it was laid out.
Before the settlers hit the Oregon trail they were cutting up states left and right. It seems like on the east you can take a sharp left and you're accidentally in another state. Look at it, they can't even fit the names on the map. Living on the west coast I am forced to drive for hours before I can cross any borderline. I always imagined some designated 'state-divide maker' was getting tired in his google maps wagon and fell asleep sometime around Missouri.
"Should we make the border here? hello? right here?"
"Zzzzz, whaaa? a um uh, zzzz, not yet, further, zzzzzzz"
"It's gonna be one of those days" *hold for laughter and applause*

You get what I'm saying. Also state laws aren't as interesting because you can't cross a quick border to talk on your cellphone in your car, or ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Maybe we could spice California up a little bit with a three part state division. LA, SF…. and the rest. Eh? It might need some work.
We can discuss House representatives and Governing later…… and I suppose we could give that top third to Sacramento….. maybe.

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