Thursday, March 25, 2010

Notes of a Mad Man

What is in the water? Not much but that will change soon.

The government has been testing a new chemical on animals for years right under our noses and their target is getting bigger.
What has always put itself in the way of motor vehicles in order to kill itself? Yes, insects. For as long as we can remember insects have been committing suicide with the help of our cars and fast moving objects…. or was it murder? The men who control our water supply have been using this "reclaimed" water to water our parks but also to quench the thirst of nearby insect life. What's in the water is a chemical that induces a state of suicidal tendencies. Once these men knew the chemical worked on insects, they tried it on mammals. Starting small, they used other nearby sources of life and began testing on rodents. Possums, squirrels, skunks and unfortunately even some household cats. This chemical caused the animals to wander in a state of mental unconsciousness into any nearby road and wait for a passing car to end their lives. This was also a successful test, so the men went even bigger selecting an array of unlucky deer in the midwest. They were unsure if the deer would have the same effect as the smaller animals but sure enough they showed the same zombie like state come nightfall. I have witnessed all of these occurrences and my wife even had the misfortune of hitting one of the unfortunate deer last month.

How long until it is us who are walking into the street? Which "drunk in public" incident was actually a "moments from murder" incident. Watch your water folks. I've been juicing my own apples for months now and have been keeping an eye on the exact cow my milk comes from.

You've been warned

Mr. X

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